It was Jorgen's 2 time hunting with Gem Safaris and has been looking for a bushbuck for some years. The morning me and him was walking slowly thru the brush in a great area that Gem Safaris have for bushbuck , while we had somebody else scouting for us on another hill. We had a call on the radio that he spotted a great trophy and that we should try and make our way over there. I ran back to the hunting truck to come and pick Jorgen up. We drove to the other spot , stopped the truck far enough not to scare the animals away and started our stalk to this old monster where he was feeding with another ewe. We got up to 70m away and Jorgen still couldn't see him standing a bit in the shade in the open. After the female spotted us , and the moved , Jorgen spotted the male and made a great shot behind the shoulder , he ran about 20m into the brush where he drop down dead. , What a hunt ! This Bushbuck was touching 15" with a phenomenal shape. It is close to 10/11 years old. It was hunted in a new area I have that hasn't been hunted in years , it is 11 000ha.
A trophy of a life time!
We carried on that day and Anton who also really wanted a bushbuck ended up with 2 great trophies bushbuck on the same day after hunting for bushbuck for 4 years.
- Paul